Terms of Service
Please read these terms carefully before using our services.
1. Parties
This Terms of Service Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between Pasasoft Limited Company ("Pasasoft") and the user ("User") who benefits from Pasasoft's services.
2. Subject of the Agreement
This Agreement determines the terms of use of the services provided by Pasasoft and the rights and obligations of the parties.
3. Scope of Services
Pasasoft provides the following services:
- Software development services
- Technology consulting
- Digital transformation solutions
- Project management services
- Technical support services
4. User Rights and Obligations
- The User is obligated to comply with applicable laws while using the services.
- The User agrees not to misuse the services or infringe upon the rights of third parties.
- The User is responsible for the security and confidentiality of their account information.
5. Pasasoft's Rights and Obligations
- Pasasoft does not guarantee that the services will be uninterrupted or error-free.
- Pasasoft reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate services.
- Pasasoft takes necessary measures to ensure the security of user data.
6. Intellectual Property Rights
All intellectual property rights related to Pasasoft's services belong to Pasasoft. The User agrees not to infringe upon these rights.
7. Confidentiality
The parties agree to protect each other's confidential information and not to share it with third parties.
8. Termination of Agreement
The parties have the right to terminate the agreement at any time. Rights and obligations that have arisen until termination remain valid.
9. Dispute Resolution
This agreement is governed by the laws of the jurisdiction where Pasasoft is registered, and the courts of that jurisdiction shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
10. Effectiveness
This agreement becomes effective when the user starts using the services.